Pressure drop

Whatever liquid or gas you need to transport, you wish to minimize pressure drop within your design.

– Pressure drop is loss of pressure in a line over a distance. This poses a significant challenge for industries working with sensitive applications, such as cooling systems for semi-conductor machines, cabin heating systems for small aircraft, and safety systems in the industrial gas industry.

– We custom-design, engineer, and manufacture highly flexible metal and PTFE hoses and artery systems to solve pressure drop challenges by considering fluid velocity, viscosity, pipe layout, and convolutions.

– As a full-service ODM and BTP company, we are able to design, manufacture and assemble everything in-house without involving third parties to solve all liquid and gas transportation challenges.

Pressure drop is a particular challenge for industries working with sensitive applications. Whether it involves cooling systems for semi-conductor machines, cabin heating systems for small aircraft or helicopters, bypass systems when maintenance is carried out in district heating lines, or ensuring safety systems are not triggered when filling bottles in the industrial gas industry. Whatever fluid or gas you need to transport, it is imperative you get the right pressure drop.

“Can you help me calculate the pressure drop that the hose will generate when I install it in my system?”, “Will the pressure drop generated be above a certain value?”, “What sort of flow parameters should I have not to exceed a given pressure drop in my system?” We thrive on these types of questions from clients. Knowing the answers is what gets our hearts racing. At CoreDux, we custom-design, engineer, and manufacture highly flexible metal hoses and artery systems that will solve any pressure drop challenge.

We know which factors to consider – fluid velocity, fluid viscosity, pipe layout, and pipe convolutions. We have the right solution for piping systems with a very high liquid velocity to very low-pressure applications where any pressure drop needs to be closely monitored. For instance, through sophisticated software that simulates pressure drops for our parallel and helical hoses. This advances system’s precision is above and beyond our competitors. It affects specific design conditions and provides a detailed calculation for the hose assembly, including geometry changes and different routing.

How can we help you?

Talk with our experienced engineering experts to find the right solutions for the complex challenges you face in gas and liquid transportation. Rest assured in knowing that we are the only full-service ODM and B2P company in the world that can solve all your liquid and gas transportation challenges in a single go. We design, manufacture, and assemble everything in-house without third parties involved.

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