Lodewijk Lockefeer
Tilburg, the Netherlands, June 19th, 2023
CoreDux is pleased to announce that Lodewijk Lockefeer will be appointed as CFO of CoreDux as per September 1st 2023.
Lodewijk joins from the Royal Zeelandia Group, where he held the position of CFO since 2019. Lodewijk has a long-standing finance career, serving in several global and listed companies ranging from Akzo Nobel NV to Heineken NV. For Heineken NV he worked abroad in Jakarta and Milan. In addition, Lodewijk is member of the curatorium of the Executive Master Finance & Control program of the University of Amsterdam.
With this appointment, Lodewijk will succeed Ruben Hutten. We say thanks to Ruben for his contribution and dedication over the past years. Ruben helped us realize the carve-out from the BOA Group and the suc-cessful transition to Arcline. He has made a significant contribution to the professionalization of Coredux by laying the (financial) foundation required for the rapid growth that CoreDux has realized and that will con-tinue in the coming years.
About CoreDux:
CoreDux is a leading designer and manufacturer of flexible gas and flow control components and systems, based in France and Netherlands (Tilburg) and is part of Arcline Investments (USA).
For more information, please visit www.coredux.com